DATOS-CAT: Implementation & analysis of databases in precision medicine

DATOS-CAT aims to increase the visibility and scientific impact of the population-based cohorts developed in Catalonia, GCAT|Genomes for life and the COVICAT-CONTENT sub-cohort

Hero Illustration
Multi-center collaborative effort
About us

6 institutions towards a shared goal

By leveraging the unique strengths and expertise of each cohort, we aim to advance our understanding and generate solutions that have a broad and lasting impact.


Multi-domain knowledge

This collaborative environment not only accelerates discovery but also enriches the research process, making it more adaptable and responsive to the evolving needs of society.

Data management

Then explain the first point breifly in one or two lines.

Data analysis

Here you can add the next benefit point.

Drive customer retention

This will be your last bullet point in this section.


Learn how to fullfil your needs

This section is to highlight a promo or demo video of your product. Analysts says a landing page with video has 3% more conversion rate. So, don't forget to add one. Just like this.


Offer more benefits here

You can use this same layout with a flip image to highlight your rest of the benefits of your product. It can also contain an image or Illustration as above section along with some bullet points.

Mobile Responsive Template

Nextly is designed as a mobile first responsive template.

Powered by Next.js & TailwindCSS

This template is powered by latest technologies and tools.

Dark & Light Mode

Nextly comes with a zero-config light & dark mode.


Frequently Asked Questions

Answer your customers possible questions here, it will increase the conversion rate as well as support or chat requests.

Ready to try-out this template?

Don't let your visitors see a poor landing.

Financiado por el "Plan Complementario de Biotecnología aplicada a la Salud", coordinado por el Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC) en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (C17.I1) - Funanciado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU
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Copyright © 2024. Made with ♥ by DATOS-CAT team during SWAT4HCLS BioHackathon. UsedWeb3Templates.